
International School Links

Education Gone Global

Creating links and partnerships with schools in other countries adds a global perspective to education and brings significant benefits to teachers and pupils alike.

For those unfamiliar with such partnerships, the idea is that through internet video conferences, projects and many other methods, schools share ideas, values, teaching practices and elements of the curriculum. This helps all involved to understand what it's like to grow up, live and work in another culture, environment and country. Languages, geography, art and ICT are all good subjects in which a link can be formed, but almost any subject is potentially viable.

While many links often start as subject related, many progress to involve a host of cross-curricular topics. Strong links help develop a better understanding of a whole range of issues from fairtrade and the environment, to human rights, music, nutrition, religion, politics, art and sport.

Teacher and pupil exchange visits re-enforce the bond between partnership schools. Many schools can get funding from the British Council (and other charities) towards reciprocal visits. This enables teachers and pupils to visit each others' schools and learn different and often enlightening teaching methods.

Vibrant links can bring a real sense of internationalism to not only the school, but also its community, and in the longer term also provide great opportunities for school leavers wanting to commit to worthwhile projects as part of a gap year.

We are delighted to be working with a number of schools arranging partnership visits and short tours, as well as extended expeditions in countries as diverse as China, Rwanda and Ghana. If your school already has one or more international links in place and you would like to discuss travel, tour and adventure opportunities as part of a visit, then contact us at the STC and we will be pleased to run you through all the possibilities.