Choosing your provider:
Whether you are a teacher or a parent, or perhaps even an educational tour operator, our responsibility is not to prepare life's path for our children. It is to prepare our children for life's path. Expanding global horizons, pushing boundaries and encouraging an adventurous life, are the perfect means to this end. Travel, adventure and expeditions which develop the whole person are our vehicle through which we go about achieving this goal.
We are not the largest expedition provider and that is why you may not have heard of us? But we have been around since 2006 and have a growing tribe of teachers and schools who trust us and just keep coming back! Check out our testimonials here! We feel it is important you know what we do. In fact if you are looking at a provider who doesn't do these things then perhaps they are not the right one! We hope you will join us as we re-imagine educational travel and school expeditions in an ethos of responsible tourism. We strive for the very best - educational travel experiences that are worthy of the 21st century.
Serious about Safety:
- British Standard 8848 compliant on all overseas trips. But just don’t take our word for it! The Young Explorers Trust has checked us out.
- We always work on high ratios. Every trip will have 2 free teacher places
- We have partnered with PHAROS Response
- External, confidential medical clearances
- 24 hour access to remote medical support
- 24hr Crisis support as standard
- Permanent in country operations teams
- Trip specific risk assessments provided pre-booking
- Free Off-site Safety Management INSET day for your school
- Bespoke training framework for all Grade 4+ Expeditions
- Comprehensive teacher travel packs
- Teams in remote areas are issues with Personal Locator Beacons
Our Responsible Tourism ethos:
We’re committed to a real life responsible approach to travel
- CO2 offset on all flights
- Official Travelife Partner and Tourism Concern member
- Only sustainable & ethical project work in communities that actually need it
- Empowering young people to become better travellers. We’re in education, after all.
Local Leaders:
- Handpicked, highly experienced and personally trained by us. Our in-country LEADERS speak English and as well as the local lingo too. They will keep you laughing, learning and above all… safe!
Boring but necessary:
- Effective pre & post-trip support, advice and smiles from your own dedicated travel guru. New friends!
- The best quotes and presentations this side of Ouagadougou? Be in the know, not in the dark. Ask for a quote and see for yourself!
- Flight dates confirmed 10 to 11 months in advance – No ‘date window’. Helping families plan those family holidays!
Our Expeditions and Educational Journeys…:
- School Expeditions (Adventure charged overseas exploration)
- Educational Journeys (Educate, Explore and enhance your curriculum)
- DofE (Hike, cycle, kayak, SUP? We can sort it)
- A Woman’s perspective (Expeditions and Journeys aimed at discovering a local woman’s life)
All tailor made
All exceptional
All unique
“oooh, that’s nice”:
- Free t-shirt for all travellers.
- Free Travel Guide Book. Because we’re nice like that.
- Our ‘famous’ five-minute feet up kit – “Divine Chocolate and tea bags?” I hear you say…
If your current provider is not doing these things (chocolate not withstanding) then perhaps you need to give us a call!
Don't just take our word for it. Click here for our Google Reviews.