
Overland Truck Travel

Overland trucking TanzaniaOverland Truck Travel: Hippie Heaven or Educational Travel par excellence? Overland truck travel... once the preferred means of transport for swinging hippies en-route to Kathmandu and time-rich Gap Year students looking for 6 months of unbelievable adventures (STC director Adrian Ferraro included!) However, the overland travel market has evolved, and with it comes the opportunity for families and †schools to make use of this fantastic form of adventure travel. † Overlanding offers adventure, challenge, team-working and the chance to really get under the skin of a destination. As a family holiday and as an educational experience, it is very hard to beat: it is about making the journey as much a part of the adventure as the destination. Whilst some overland companies do still offer trips that traverse great continents for months on end, the majority are now offering shorter 1, 2 or 3 week trips that have all the magic of Overlanding, but without the need for a few blank months in the calendar. It is these trips that are ideal for adventurous †families and schools, and with a large enough group size (10 - 15 minimum) a school or group of friends can charter a truck and head off on a tailor-made itinerary into the wilds of Africa, South America or Asia. The form of travel is ideal for safaris, geography and biology trips. † However we have schools also travelling overland in Peru, Uganda & Rwanda, Tanzania and Kenya too on visits to their partnership link schools. Overlanding is usually fully participatory: whilst the tour operator will provide an experienced driver, co-driver and sometimes also a cook, the group will be expected to get stuck in with loading and unloading the vehicle, setting up camp, getting water, cooking, washing up and shopping for food in local markets. † Working as a team is a necessity and the combination of this, and the exposure to different cultures, history, wildlife and adventure, all make the overland experience an ideal choice for families and schools. † Trucks are fully kitted out, completely self-sufficient and able to cope with anything they encounter. You are no longer constrained to public transport routes or sleeping in hotels or hostels, you can simply find an idyllic spot under starry skies and set up "home for the night". † Sitting around the campfire, reliving wild tales from the day's adventures is one of the best things about this form of travel. It is safe too. The vehicles are built and serviced by the tour operators and carry a full compliment of spare parts, long-range fuel tanks, drinking water and on-board safes. Drivers are highly experienced, extremely resourceful and also first aid trained. † With food, transport and accommodation all at hand, the group can respond to unanticipated events on the ground at a moments notice. † We deal with many of the UK's best overland companies. By arranging your trip through us, we can offer you the benefit of years of experience in arranging this kind of travel, and discuss the differences in approach between the different companies, ultimately helping you find the operator, destination and itinerary that is right for you. Please contact us †to find out more about Overlanding.