
Visiting Link and Partner Schools

We have had some excellent feedback from schools undertaking tours and expeditions arrange in conjunction with visits to their Link Schools. Recently organised adventures include Uganda, Rwanda and Ghana where the experience gained by participants has been overwhelmingly positive. Extending a visit to a partnership school is an opportunity to become even more immersed in a destinations history, culture, religion, politics, geography, economics, biology and environment. Such trips help to bring practical relevance to global understanding and the school curriculum. What's more, as a tourist, important questions become evident with regard to standards of living, conservation, sustainability, fair trade, responsible tourism and the potential value of tourism. Schools and colleges we have worked with repeatedly reinforce our belief that foreign travel and adventurous expeditions provide perfect learning platforms for young people to gain valuable life skills and to become confident individuals and responsible global citizens. Learning outcomes are affected by the style of travel. For example, expeditions or more adventurous tours create an environment in which team-working skills, friendships and maturity develop naturally. They offer the chance to experience different cultures, adventure and traditional lifestyles, as well as challenging pre-conceptions and testing participants (including teachers!) physically, emotionally and mentally. Whereas, cultural, curriculum-based and sightseeing tours educate, enlighten and bring life and understanding to diversity, knowledge and theory. Whatever the purpose of the trip there will be many ways to reach the objective and many factors will affect how best to approach things. Factors to consider include the destination, style of travel, the qualifications and experience of staff, budget, destination climates, learning objectives and the length of time planned away. † No two trips are the same: it is our role to help educational establishments create the one that is right for them. Contact us and we'll help you plan a trip to your Link School and beyond.