
Trip of the Month - Huayhuash Circuit

Peru-Huayhuash2.jpg#asset:553:thumbThree week school expeditions to South America don’t often come in under £3,000 per student, but that’s what we are offering in this truly amazing trip to central Peru.

With spectacular mountain scenery and true Andean wilderness, the 12 day Huayhuash Circuit (pronounced “why-wash”) is undoubtedly one of the best treks in the world and an inspiring setting for a challenging school expedition. Famous as the setting for Joe Simpson’s dramatic escape in ‘Touching the Void’, the Cordillera Huayhuash in central Peru has a dazzling array of 6,000 metre peaks, remote valleys and glorious high passes, rivalling anything in the Himalaya.

If you want a challenging trek that will stretch fit students and inspire them into a life in the outdoors, then this expedition will not disappoint. The region is much less frequented than the areas around Cusco and the Sacred Valley, and if you've travelled to Cusco before, you will notice it is altogether different. Almost like a different country.

Optional Extensions

The standard 20 day trip including flights from the UK invovles a 12 day trek with plenty of time to acclimatise in the Huaraz valley beforehand. Option extensions to the Huacacuna Dunes, Cusco and Machu Picchu and/or the Amazon can easily be added.

Our operator for this trek uses expert and highly experienced Peruvian mountain guides and has been running treks in this region for nearly 30 years. Guides are fully wilderness first aid trained and groups are equipped with the latest portable altitude chambers in case of problems on the handful of 5,000m high passes. However, with excellent acclimatisation built into the programme, the chance of needing this is remote.

Request a personalised quote

For more information,contact usfor a detailed itinerary, quote and pre-departure preparation programmes.

BS8848 compliant 2014 expeditions start from as little as £2,800 per student for a 20 day trip, including flights, all food and free teacher places.